Assignment Calendar

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Senior Project Office Hours

Now that we've started the Senior Project, I know you are going to have lots of questions.  

You are welcome to talk to me about about your questions and concerns during class or before/after school.  You can also contact me via email, through the Help Thread on Google Classroom, or by text via Remind*.  Please be aware that, while I am happy to help you with the project, there are limits to my availability outside of school hours.  College professors refer to their available time as "office hours," so here are mine:

During my Prep Hour: by appointment only
Monday: 2:30 to 5:30
Tuesday-Thursday: 2:30 to 6:00
Friday: 2:30 to 2:45
Saturday: 10:00 to 4:00
Sunday: unavailable

I will make every effort to answer questions in a timely manner, but patience is a must - I have a lot of students sharing my time so messages will be dealt with on a first come, first served basis.  Your best bet for a quick response is to take advantage of in-class work time or our weekly student/teacher conferences during the Senior Project process.

*Everyone is required to sign up for the Senior Project Remind, by texting @shiersp20 to 81010.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Important things to keep in mind for the Senior Project

1) Every step builds on the step before.  Failure to complete the annotated bibliography means you won't be able to do the outline, failure to complete the outline means you won't be able to do the essay, etc.

2) Deadlines are put in place for a reason - the project is laid out so you have a reasonable amount of time to complete each stage.  Keep track of due dates and use the time you have been given wisely.

3) There is absolutely zero tolerance for plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty.  There is an established precedent in place that starts with a zero on the assignment and disciplinary action and escalates from there, up to and potentially including failing the class and not receiving your diploma in extreme cases.


Materials for the Senior Project are posted here and on the ELA 12 Google Classroom page.  If you have questions about the project or any of the components, use the "Senior Project Help Thread" on Classroom.