Assignment Calendar

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Senior Project 2018

It’s the most wonderful time of the year: it's Senior Project Time!  

The project is broken down into a few main components: Annotated Bibliography, Research Essay, Digital Presentation and Presentation Board, In-Class Presentation, and Presentation Fair.  All due dates and work days are listed on the assignment calendar already, to help you as you work.  Remember that I take due dates and deadlines very seriously, so it is important that you keep track of what is due when and plan accordingly.

On the right side of the page is a set of Senior Project links, including: 
  • a detailed overview of the ENTIRE project
  • the letter that was sent home about the Senior Project
  • a checklist/due date list with everything you are expected to do, with point values for all assignments
  • the late work cover sheet that is required to be included with anything turned in after due dates
  • folders of information and handouts specific to the Annotated Bibliography, Research Essay, and Presentations
Many of the materials included here will be given out in class, but you are responsible for making sure you have everything you need, so these links and folders are to help you as you work.  If you plan on using any of the templates provided here as a basis for your work, you will need to make a copy before you can make any edits.

Once you create your Annotated Bibliography, Outline, Research Essay, and Digital Presentation, you will share each of these with me for points.  Before you do, you will need to name your documents using the following format: Last name First Name Item.  So, my annotated bibliography would be called "Shier Miss Annotated Bibliography."  My essay would be "Shier Miss Research Essay."  My presentation would be "Shier Miss Media Presentation."  Points will be lost for misnamed files.

I know this seems like a lot of work, and it is, but I'll be working with you every step of the way, and I have absolute faith that you can do this.  Good luck and DON’T PANIC!!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Gatsby Vocabulary Assignment - DUE February 23*

By now you've noticed that F. Scott Fitzgerald likes to use big words in his writing.  Your assignment is to use the Gatsby Vocabulary List by Chapter to complete the Gatsby Vocabulary Worksheets.  

You have two choices when it comes to turning in this assignment:
1 - Print the vocabulary worksheets found above, and complete the work on paper.  This option is due no later than 2:35 PM on Friday, February 23.

2 - Complete your answers in a digital format, either via email or by typing your answers onto a shared Google Doc.  If you choose this option, points will only be awarded if it is clearly indicated which chapters your set of answers belongs to (there are six sets of ten questions, so just numbering answers 1-10 will not work).  *If you know how to type your answers directly onto a copy of the pdf, that is also acceptable (but you will then need to show me how you did it.)  This option is due no later than 11:59 PM on Friday, February 23.  

Note #1 - Do not use an online dictionary for this assignment.  The Vocabulary List provides definitions that Fitzgerald would have known for the words nearly 100 years ago, which are not necessarily the same as the modern definition of the words.  

Note #2 - If you do not turn in a paper version of the assignment by end of day on February 23, it will be assumed that you will be turning in a digital version before midnight, and late penalties will accrue accordingly.